Powers Of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document which allocates what will happen to you in the event that you are no longer capable of making decisions for yourself. This document permits you to choose one or more person(s) to make decisions regarding your daily routine, financial assets and medical treatment. These decisions may involve choosing which care home you move into, as well as the extent of the life-sustaining treatment which you will receive.
At Pinnington Law we believe that by arranging these plans now, you and your family can alleviate any stress which may arise in the future. As such, we offer fixed fee services to help you arrange a Lasting Power of Attorney which will be designed in accordance with your wishes.
Lasting Power Of Attorney Options
When arranging a Lasting Power of Attorney, there are two options available;
- A Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney
- A Property and Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney
A Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to make arrangements regarding your future medical treatment. By arranging this document, you allocate one or more person(s) to make decisions regarding your daily routine, care home arrangements as well as any medical care and life sustaining treatment which you may receive. This document can only be used when you are deemed incapable of making your own decisions.
A Property and Financial Affairs Lasting Power Of Attorney allows you to make arrangements regarding your financial assets; including any property which you may possess. By arranging this document, you allocate one or more person(s) to make decisions regarding your bill payments, benefits collection, selling any property you may own, as well as the sale or distribution of any other financial assets which you may possess. However, unlike a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney, this document can be used as soon as it is registered, so long as you grant permission to do so.
When arranging a Power of Attorney, you can choose one or more attorney to make your decisions for you. If you choose multiple attorneys, you can allow them to act alone, or you can make arrangements so that they must act together. If you decide that you want both attorneys to act together, then the Lasting Power of Attorney document will fail in the event of either attorney dying or losing the ability to manage your affairs in any way. Therefore, it is advisable to nominate a replacement attorney to take over the responsibility of making your decisions, in the event that any of these circumstances should occur.
At Pinnington Law, our team of solicitors are happy to explain the process of arranging a Power of Attorney to you in greater detail and can help you to complete the official forms required in order to allocate and register a Lasting Power of Attorney.
Our team of expert solicitors will help you arrange this important legal document as well as offering you further links for information. As such, you are welcome to set up an initial free consultation at any time if you have questions about arranging A Lasting Power of Attorney.
Call us for EXPERT advice on: 0161 761 8099 or email us at: [email protected]